Guide to the evaluation of health-related physical condition in children and adolescents. ALPHA battery.

  • Importe
    1 Millón €

Brief summary

European Guide for the evaluation of health-related physical condition in children and adolescents, ALPHA Battery. This health-related fitness test battery is based on scientific evidence and has replaced the EUROFIT battery that has been in use since the 1980s.

The development and creation of this guide is part of a European project funded with one million Euros by the European Agency for Health and Food Safety (DG Sanco, Ref: 2006120; see Annex I) which finances social implementation projects that have a direct impact on people’s health. The project has a high international dimension since it involved 7 countries and different universities as a working team: Karolinska Institutet (Sweden-Project Coordinator); Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (France); Community Health Centre Ljubljana- Preventative Unit CINDI Slovenia (Slovenia); Ghent University (Belgium); South East Public Health Observatory (England); UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research (Finland); Loughborough University/BHF (England); University of Granada (Spain).

Quality signs:

Social impact: The physical condition assessment guide, ALPHA battery is being used in all Primary and Secondary schools in Spain as well as in the project member countries (see above). There is evidence that it is also used in Mexico (, Colombia (, Iceland (, Australia (, and United States ( The assessment of physical fitness through the use of this Guide is specific to the Physical Education Curriculum at the state level, as well as in European Community Countries.

An explanatory document of the guide was prepared in English to give it international dissemination and was published in the prestigious British Journal of Sports Medicine, which is the No. 4 in the area of Sport Sciences in 2011 (Impact Factor: 4.1). This magazine is currently ranked No. 1 in the area of Sport Sciences (Impact Factor: 11.645).

Number of citations received (Web of Science): 160

Number of citations received (Google Scholar): 319

Journal Metrics: Downloads from the Journal: 18496

see Annex IV

Audiovisual tools were also created: (

All the videos explaining the physical fitness tests are available on youtube where you can count the number of views:

-Assessment of the manual gripping force. Number of views: 2883

-Assessment of the strength of the lower body. Number of views: 6155

-Assessment of the Speed-agility. Number of views: 7735

-Assessment of the Aerobic capacity. Number of views: 4029

The evidence-based assessment of physical condition using the ALPHA battery is taught annually in most of the Bachelor’s Degrees in Sport Sciences in Spain (confirmed by the teachers) within the Physical Activity and Health Subject, as well as in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Education.

Web financiada por la Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), proyecto SOMM17/6107/UG

Web financiada por la Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), proyecto SOMM17/6107/UGR